§1. Allgemeine Bestimmungen
By making a reservation, aupairdeutschkurse GbR is informed about the desired participation in the course.
Only when the minimum number of students for a German course has been reached will a confirmation of registration be sent.
The confirmation of registration for a course and the subsequent confirmation constitutes the conclusion of a contract between the customer and aupairdeutschkurse GbR.
Registration can be made via the online form or by sending us an email.
§2. Teaching hours
The lesson or teaching unit (TU) for our courses is 60 minutes. The course is designed to take place online twice a week for 2 hours each time.The course is spread over 8 weeks. If an appointment has to be canceled, the appointment will be made up at a later date.
§3. Fees
Each course costs 185€ and is due before the start of the course.
Once you have received a confirmation of registration, you are obliged to pay the course fees in full and immediately upon receipt of the invoice.
§4. Teachers
Course participants are not entitled to courses with a specific teacher.
§5. Material and scope of the course
We always endeavor to design the course material to meet the customer's requirements, but accept no responsibility for failure to reach a certain language level or to pass exams.
Course books will be announced as early as possible. The client must organize these independently.
§6. Cancellation, refund of course fees
Registrations, cancellations and applications of any kind must be made in writing (preferably by email). Our teaching staff are not authorized to accept registrations, cancellations and applications.
As long as no booking confirmation has been sent, you can cancel your reservation at any time. Please inform us in writing (e-mail to kontakt @ aupairdeutschkurse.de) about the cancellation.
If participation in the course has been confirmed by us by means of a course confirmation, withdrawal is not possible unless a substitute participant is nominated by the course participant.
If individual lessons cannot be attended by the course participant due to illness or other reasons, a partial refund of fees by the organizer is excluded.
If the organizer withdraws from the course for good cause, the course fees already paid will be refunded (possibly pro rata). Alternatively, the course participant can switch to another course. Important reasons include long-term illness of the course instructor.
§7. Data privacy
In order to process a course registration, personal data must be collected. This data is only shared with us and the teacher.
A WhatsApp group will be set up for each course to simplify communication between us, the students and the teacher. If a student does not wish to be included in the WhatsApp group, please let us know. The WhatsApp group will be deleted after the end of the course.